Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Touch of God

Recall that God often strikes out against civilisations who displease him. It was a common sight in the old testament and we've seen recent examples of it in the form of a Haitian earthquake and an Asian tsunami.

Well here He is again, sending a clear message to somebody about something.

Not a fan of football or over-sized novelty statues. What I was particularly drawn to was this quote:

Some people were scooping up pieces of the statue's foam from the nearby pond to take home with them, said Darlene Bishop, a church co-pastor. "This meant a lot to a lot of people," she said.
Having had a short and miserable time with economics at University, I couldn't help but wonder just how much meaning "a lot" really was, you know, in dollar terms. I found my answer pretty quickly:

So, somewhere in the region of 99 cents to $15 then. Only time will tell. Let's see if eBay's servers survive the next electrical storm.

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